You can also enabled Shape Blends, but I don't think that matters. Select the 'Standard Skeleton', which should be default. The Mixamo algorithm will auto-rig the character. 4) Once uploaded, you will be connected to the Mixamo website. 3) Upload the character using the 'Save to Mixamo' option on the upper right corner. You can save time by right-clicking on a piece, and selecting the matching components. 2) In Adobe Fuse, piece together standard character (I chose the base male). 1) Create an Adobe account (free), and download Adobe Fuse. You can do this using the free auto-rigger on their website, but Adobe Fuse characters are set up better, so you don't have to clean up the imported animations afterward. Greetings, This is a brief tutorial on how to bring Mixamo's animations into iClone using Adobe Fuse. Geetings Joevole, Are you going through Fuse or are you setting up a custom rig from Mixamo? Or are you rigging from scratch? I can assist you with a bit more info.

Maybe someday I'll be able to take this project to the next level. rather than importing morphs form the same mesh. Basically, I'd have to redo the process (from scratch) for every Fuse character that I bring in. However, the process is a tad slow (I have to manually adjust the mouth movements), and makes it unwieldy for doing what I want to do with the project. On a similar note, I'm able to bring a Fuse Character into iClone with full lip mouth movements and visemes. Well I don't know abt you but when, I import my animations into iclone there's always this twist at the fingers e.t.c in short at least 40% percent of the character is deformedįirst of all I tried going from fuse, I downloaded the ybot character fbx from mixamo with some animations which I converted in 3dxchange to the maya_ik it worked fine on the ybot character but when I import or apply to iclone the character thumb are looking weird, tried the same thing with a character I created and uploaded from adobe fuse cc and I got the same a somewhat better result, in the body which might b luck but the thumbs are still looking weird